Saturday, March 5, 2016

The View, or How Susan Got on TV . . . Again

Are you a devoted fan of The View?  If yes, then you might have seen Susan and Sally in the studio audience of the March 1 episode.  

The show is hosted at the ABC studios on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.  Susan and Sally scored tickets for the March 1 episode and enjoyed being part of the show, especially seeing Whoopi Goldberg in person.  You know what they say about the camera adding pounds?  Well, Miss Whoopi is much smaller (and shorter) than she appears to be on screen. Who knew?

Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar
Here are some photos from the show.
Susan and Sally attend The View

Susan enjoying The View (top left corner, in teal top)

Susan and Sally in the studio of The View (top left corner, Sally clapping with raised arms)

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