Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Random Things #7

It's time for some more random things seen while rambling around Paris.  

You might remember that Susan has a fascination with door knockers.  Here are two knockers to add to the collection.  

"Why did it have to be snakes?"

Moving on.  Friends from the U.S. recently visited Paris for the first time.  On their second night in town, they took a 3 hour tour.  The tour was not on the S.S. Minnow.  Instead, the tour was on Bustronome.  (pictured below).  While seeing the wonderful sights of Paris, they enjoyed a multi-course dinner with wine.  They enjoyed their 3 hour tour and returned home safely.  (If you want to learn more about Bustronome, click here.)

We have twice seen the gent pictured below.  He pulls behind him a long line of toy models of trucks bedecked with flags.  He lets people know he is coming with a blast of an air horn.  

Below is a recent photo of Marie-Chantal, standing in front of the hotel near the Arc de Triomphe that she visited with Jean-Claude 20 years ago when they first visited Paris together.  Ahhh, happy memories.  

We spotted the cat pictured below, walking along a ledge above a restaurant.  We hope that cat is sure-footed.  It should be careful or it might become spécialité Turque.

Lastly, here's some good news.  IKEA recently opened a location in the heart of Paris not far from our apartment.  Instead of having to schlep far outside the city, now we can stroll to IKEA to pick up some lingonberry jam.  Yum.

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