Thursday, August 22, 2019

Random Things #9

On the lighter side, here are some random things spotted during Year 4.

The French love their dogs.  They take them everywhere, including on the subway.  

Dogs also perform important jobs.  Below is a guard dog in a shop.  The pooch has a look that says:  "I'm small, I'm bored, but don't mess me with me."

Many shops here are dog-friendly.  Below, water bowls for les toutou (toutou means pooch).

We recently spotted a polar bear and cub in the middle of a nearby street.  

Here is a friendly warning in a nearby cafe.

The fine folks at the Civil Society of Multimedia Authors have a sense of humor.  In French, they are La Société civile des auteurs multimedia.  SCAM, for short.  

We recently passed by the pharmacy pictured below.  A pharmacist with a sense of humor?  Who knew. 

A mobile garden being hauled around Paris?  An ingenious idea.

Below, another ingenious idea?  We wondered if the Bris bus is actually a mobile circumcision vehicle. Their motto might be:  "Have mohel, will travel."  (Thanks to friend Susan Morris for spotting the bus.)

Thanks for viewing some random things with us.

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