Friday, November 27, 2015

Manhattan Invaded, Creatures Captured!

In a daring surprise invasion, a group of giant balloon beings attacked Manhattan this week.  

Law enforcement reacted quickly and apprehended all of the miscreants.  Because the jail was too small to hold the invaders, a holding area was improvised with nets and ropes to restrain the gigantic gang.  

Here are photos of the makeshift jail.  Some of the invaders are well known. Their motives were unclear initially.
This fearsome creature wishes he could gnaw through the netting.

1 of 2:  Wings clipped and grounded

2 of 2:  That is one angry bird

Trapped but still chugging

Bearly able to move

The net wasn't big enough.  The captive ate the tree leaves.

Is this what happens on a gluten-free diet?

Captive but still smiling.  Ready to chew when no on is looking.

This balloon giant was depressed and deflated at being captured.
The NYPD keeping everyone safe.
Overnight, one of the captives gnawed his way free and then freed all of the other invaders.  As the sun rose over Manhattan, the enormous troupe revealed their plan--to join the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  The city collectively breathed a sigh of relief.  The outcome was a happy turn of events for all.

This scary balloon being was initially a major cause for concern.  It turns out, he was Toothless (from How to Train Your Dragon).

A Mighty Morphin Power Ranger also caused concern.  This Ranger, known as Red, was actually here to protect the people of NYC.

That is still one Angry Bird, name is Red

This large dinosaur was part of the balloon gang.  Dino, a traditional favorite, returned to the parade this year.  Great to see.

No longer depressed and deflated, Ronald McDonald struts his stuff on the parade route (new for 2015)

Kool-Aid skateboards down the street without spilling a drop

SpongeBob SquarePants leaps down the street

Thomas the Tank Engine rolls down the line.  Doesn't Thomas look like another famous train engine?

That's right!  Thomas must be descended from royalty. 

Paddington, late for a train, runs to the station

Mr. Peanut and his Peanut-Mobile


Snoopy and Woodstock sail down the avenue

The main dude arrives and all is wonderful

An adoring fan waves at the main dude
It was a wonderful day in NYC.

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