Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Headline: "Zombie Horde Attacks Gotham--Thousands Flee"

The Zombie Apocalypse arrived in NYC over the weekend.  The freshly dead roamed the streets of Manhattan laying waste wherever the mindless horde turned.  Numbering in the thousands, the horde inspired fear and curiosity.  The curious were soon Zombified.  The fearful donned their running shoes and clothes and eluded the Zombie pack.  Coincidentally, the fleet of foot soon found themselves running in the mostly Zombie-free NYC Marathon.  A happy ending for the runners.  Not so for the curious onlookers who swelled the Zombie throng.
Zombie horde (dancing to Thriller)

New Yorkers running for their lives

New York newspapers are known for sensational headlines.  Not a surprise since New York City great material for sensationalizing.  Last weekend, two back-to-back events made NYC even more unusual than usual.

The Halloween Parade in Greenwich Village included its share of zombies, ghouls and Trumps.  Calling it a parade is somewhat misleading.  Thousands upon thousands of costumed crazies thronged 6th Avenue in the West Village.  They walked and stalked for hours, while thousands more lined the street to watch the awesome spectacle.  The parade included bands, floats and dance teams.  Even MJ made an appearance.

One float was especially important, the Dos Equis float, which carried the parade's Grand Marshal.  You guessed it--the Most Interesting Man in the World.
"I don't often celebrate Halloween, but when I do I prefer the Village Halloween Parade.  Stay scary, my friends."
P.S.  Are his sidekicks twins?
Less than 12 hours later, thousands more took to the streets for the 2015 NYC Marathon.  Mars Blackmon, a/k/a Spike Lee, served as the Grand Marshal.  We watched some of the Marathon from our apartment, which overlooks Mile 16.  Later, on 1st Avenue, we cheered with friends whose daughter was running the marathon and finished with a good time.   
What's going to happen next?  Will the Man in Red make an appearance along with flying giants?  It could happen.  This is NYC. 

More parade photos.
Peacock Dude
Luminescent jellyfish
The guys from Stars Wars are alive and well and living in the Village, making them . . . Village People.

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