Monday, September 24, 2018

Museums: The Andy Warhol Museum (Part 2 of 6)

[Today's blog post is another milestone, post #900.  Thanks for following the blog.  We hope you enjoy reading some of the posts.]

Our tour of the Andy Warhol Museum continues with the art for which Andy Warhol is best known.

The museum has a large collection of Warhol's Pop Art.

What is Pop Art?  Pop Art is the movement in art when artists began to create art using iconic elements of popular culture, such as famous people, advertising and movies. 

Here is a sampling of Pop Art in the museum's extensive collection.

During Year 2, we visited museums in Italy that included tactile reproductions of famous works of art for visitors with visual impairments.  The Warhol Museum likewise included tactile reproductions.  Check it out.

Next Up:  More Warhol works of art

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