Monday, May 28, 2018

Random Things in DC #9

It's time for some more random spotted during our travels in D.C.  

While passing a designer clothing store, we noticed a jellyfish in the window.  We were not sure what the sea creature had to do with designer clothing, but we thought the window display was eye-catching.  

Some random hottie admires a jellyfish in a store window.
On a warm Spring day, we spotted the dude below.  We guessed that he rode a Big Wheel when he was a kid.

The next scene is a bit mysterious.  Some dude is walking behind a self-propelled box on wheels.  He seemed to control the box with a remote control device in his hand.  We guessed the box might be the prototype of an autonomous delivery system.  In the future, perhaps the robotic box will deliver a 6-pack of beer from a neighborhood store.   

Some dude taking his box for a walk.
Below is a scene that needs no explanation.

Some random hottie and a random dude (aka Susan's brother Sid)
Eat mor chikin!

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