Friday, May 18, 2018

Everyday Life in D.C. #1

If you follow this blog regularly, then you see many posts about artwork, monuments and museums.

You might think we are so busy with visiting museums and the like that we don't have time for everyday things.  

Of course, we make time for everyday living.  We have to.  

A while back, Greg was getting pretty shaggy.  He needed a haircut.  

In a new town like NYC, Florence or D.C., finding a barbershop or a salon is filled with uncertainty.  "Will I get a good cut, or will I walk out looking like a sheered sheep?"

Greg had put off getting a haircut in D,C, for a few months and was looking bushy.  

So, he put aside his reluctance and found a traditional barbershop deep in Georgetown, not far from the university.  The barbershop was old school, established more than a century--with a wood floor and tin ceiling. 

The fates were kind that day.  Mr. Nguyen gave Greg a fine trim.  You can judge for yourself. 

Thanks for sharing an everyday experience with us.

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