Friday, April 27, 2018

D.C. Bookstores

During Year 1 in NYC, we saw many celebrities in person--on Broadway stages, on live interview shows and even on the street.  Not once, but twice, we spotted actor Kevin Bacon on the street on the East Side.  He was easily recognized, even when wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses.  

During Year 3, we have not seen many celebrities.  However, we recently visited a famous D.C. bookstore, Politics and Prose, to hear a famous person speak.  

The event was part of a book tour in support of the author's novel, Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff.  Below is synopsis of the novel.

After the lively interview and Q&A  session were finished, we received a signed copy of the book, pictured below.  Can you guess the author's name?  .

The author was Sean Penn.  

Laura Lippman, journalist and writer, interviews Sean Penn about his first novel.

Susan will let us know if she likes the book.

P.S.  Susan thinks Kevin Bacon is better looking than Sean Penn.

1 comment:

Th'Italian Sassenach said...

Ah I love that bookshop! Thanks for this post. :) You are making me miss DC and its accessibility and over-the-top culture choices!