Monday, August 1, 2016

Touring NYC: The Daily News Building

The Daily News Building is the former home of the New York Daily News and the home of the fictional Daily Planet newspaper from the Superman films.

Completed in 1930, the building is known for its Art Deco style and is now a New York City Landmark and a National Historic Landmark.  
The 36-story Daily News Building, 220 East 42nd Street, NYC
We recently visited the lobby of the building.  Entering the lobby was like stepping back in time to the 1930's.  Here are some photos to show what we mean.  Enjoy. 

Daily News Building Lobby:  Photo from a display about the building's history

Daily News Building Lobby:  Some dude ruining my photo of the large spinning globe in the lobby

Daily News Building Lobby:  photo of the spinning globe without some dude

Daily News Building Lobby:  the domed, mirrored ceiling over the globe represents the cosmos

Daily News Building Lobby:  some dude checking out the marble floor around the globe

Daily News Building Lobby:  the floor around the globe is a compass with distance markers for world cities

Daily News Building Lobby:  vintage world clock on display in the lobby

Daily News Building Lobby:  weather gauges on display in the lobby
Daily News Building Lobby:  Clark Kent and Lois Lane in the Daily Planet lobby (Superman, 1978).  Is that dude in the background?

1 comment:

  1. Nothing to say about this, really good pics. I have a site if you have another news site please share, I want to read it.


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