Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Touring NYC: The Chrysler Building

Depending on whom you ask, the Chrysler Building is often named the most beautiful building in New York City.

The Chrysler Building (center), seen from the United Nations

Photo of the Chrysler Building at night.  If you look closely, you can see our building in the distance.  If you look very closely, you can see a woman in a nightgown in a 13th floor window. 

We recently visited the 1930 Art Deco lobby of the building.  (The observatory is long closed and there are no guided tours.)

We took a self-guided tour of the large lobby and snapped a few photos.  Enjoy.

Poster in the Chrysler Building lobby with some fun facts.

Chrysler Building Lobby: some NY model showing off a photo of the Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building Lobby: elevator doors

Chrysler Building Lobby: Art Deco mailbox
Chrysler Building Lobby:  Art Deco doorway

Chrysler Building Lobby:  mural on the ceiling
Chrysler Building Lobby:  mural on the ceiling depicting the building
Some random hottie getting her head pecked by the gargoyle.
Some dude rubbing noses with the gargoyle

Photo of Will Smith from Men in Black 3, standing on a Chrysler Building gargoyle
 The Chrysler Building, and other significant NYC buildings, is captured in a Steuben Glass sculpture called New York, New York.  Greg recalls first seeing the leaded crystal sculpture in the now-closed Steuben shop on Fifth Avenue.  The sculpture (photo below) rotated on a pedestal and each building could be clearly seen through the glass.  (The buildings are Woolworth, Chrysler, Empire State and the WTC twin towers.

P.S.  If you want to learn more about the Chrysler Building, click here, or the lobby, click here.

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