Friday, February 19, 2016

Winter in NYC, How Bad Could It Be?--More

Like we said, people questioned the sanity of our decision to endure a NYC Winter.  It seems we should have listened. 

Not only did we pick the Winter with the greatest single day snowfall in recorded history, we picked the Winter with the lowest Valentine's Day temperature in recorded history.

On Valentine's Day last weekend, the mercury dropped and dropped and then dropped some more until it stopped at -1°F during the early morning. 

No matter how you cut it, that's cold.  

Fortunately, our apartment stayed warm despite the cold outside and some drafty windows.  For some reason, we bundled up with every warm piece of clothing we have and ventured out into the early morning cold.  We can verify it was cold, cold, cold.  The wind, of course, made it worse.  We kept our time outdoors very brief, either by descending into the subway or ducking into a store.  We didn't need anything from TJ Maxx, but the good people at TJ Maxx know how to heat their store.  Thanks, TJ Maxx! 

All we have to say is that we are so happy we selected NYC for Year 1 of the 10 Year Plan, instead of Watertown, NY.  That would have been unbearable.

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