Thursday, February 18, 2016

Our Little Friend

Say hello to our little friend.

The day after the snowstorm in January, Susan built a little snowperson on our terrace, complete with candy cane arms, a stylish tiara and the obligatory I Love NY mug.  There was plenty of snow but it was so powdery that building our snowperson was a challenge.  The snow was better for skiing and shredding than for snow creature construction.  Still, persistence and patience paid off and the end result was a well-groomed, smartly outfitted snow being.  If you look closely, you can even detect a smile. 

Of course, unless you live at the North or South Pole or in a freezer, even a well constructed snow creature has numbered days.  Our little friend disappeared but left behind some mementos for reuse when our friend returns after the next snowstorm. 

We hope to see our little friend in future travels.  In the meantime, perhaps our little friend will visit you.  If so, please share a photo.

P.S.  About the little friend comment, apologies to Tony Montana. 

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