Our walking tour continues with a visit to a Georgetown institution, Martin's Tavern.

In the past, Martin's, established in 1933, was frequented by many notable persons, including several U.S. Presidents. Among the notable persons are JFK and Jackie. The story goes that JFK proposed to Jackie while dining at Martin's. So, we decided to stop and enjoy lunch at Martin's during our Kennedy-themed walking tour. When we arrived, the host escorted us to a window booth. Once seated, we noticed that we were sitting in the very same booth where JFK proposed -- the "Proposal Booth". A happy coincidence!!!

1264 Wisconsin Avenue, 1953: "While some reports suggest that the proposal came via telegram," Martin's claims the proposal actually occurred there. Besides, who would propose by telegram!?
We enjoyed a delicious lunch at Martin's and learned more about Martin's history. Perhaps you have a favorite president listed below. If so, you can visit Martin's and sat where they sat.
Thanks for joining our walking tour of Georgetown.
P.S. Here is a bit more info about Martin's connection to JFK.
P.S. Here is a bit more info about Martin's connection to JFK.
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