Lars, meet the world. World, meet Lars.
We have known Lars for a very long time. He has been a part of our family for more than 15 years. It's hard to remember the date Lars fist appeared.
So, who is this mystery person named Lars? Well, he is our Swedish butler. Everyone needs a Swedish butler. Right? Lars has wonderful butlering skills but he takes frequent vacations and is rarely around. You know how the Europeans love to vacation. So, we often have to get along without him. He will sometimes pass through when we are out or in the middle of the night. He leaves his mark one way or another.
In case you want to learn more about Lars, here is an FAQ.
FAQ about Lars:
What does Lars look like?
from being tall, trim and blue-eyed, he usually wears white clothing and his
spiked hair is typically dyed some bright color. Honestly, the wild hair
looks good on him. Unfortunately, we have no photos of Lars to share. For some reason, he
is never around when photos are taken. He even eludes security cameras
Lars |
How old is Lars?
Hard to say. He is very evasive about his age. Sometimes he looks quite young, 20-something. At other times, especially after attending a multi-day rave, he looks much older.
Does Lars speak English?
Yes. Quite well. It's hard to detect his Swedish accent. He grew up in Sweden listening to ABBA songs and watching U.S. films like Scent of a Woman (American version) and television shows like Northern Exposure (for obvious reasons). Lars enjoys karaoke. His rendition of Dancing Queen sounds like how Al Pacino would sing it. "See that girl / Watch that scene / Diggin' the dancing queen / Hoowah!"
What is Lars' favorite food?
That's easy. Pickled herring. Yum!

What is Lars' favorite film?
"Lars and the Real Girl", not for the reason you might think.
Is Lars part of the 10 Year Plan?
Yes, he is. We are never sure when he will be with us, but that is part of what makes him Lars. When we live in Stockholm, his native language skills will come in handy.
Is Lars real? Is he someone's alter ego?
What kind of question is that!? Of course, Lars is real. And no, he is not anyone's alter ego. None of us are so interesting that we deserve an alter ego. Lars is his own person in every way.
That's a good question. No idea. We never asked. He is just Lars.
Can we meet Lars?
You bet. Anytime.
Is there more to tell about Lars?
Yes. Quite a lot. Stay tuned.
How come we never heard about Lars until now? Despite the outlandish looks and behavior, Lars has always been shy. However, he has learned it is better to be loud and proud than sit quietly in a corner reading a pickled herring cookbook. So, he wants to meet the world.
Lars, meet the world. World, meet Lars.
P.S. Lars has a good friend. More on that later.
Lars, if you want to add anything here, please do so.
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