Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Strolling in San Francisco: From the Divine to the Porcine (Part 2 of 2)

Our visit to Grace Cathedral continues.

The final thing we saw on our visit to Grace Cathedral was a silly surprise.  We saw a pet pig on a leash!  There was also a dog, and the owner had a baby stroller for both animals.  

Imagine our surprise when we saw this same pet pig featured in an issue of People magazine!  We noticed the photograph in the magazine and recognized not only the pig but the dog, too, which was also there on the church steps.  When Susan read the short article indicating that this pig and dog are in San Francisco, she knew we'd seen them without having a clue that they're famous.  It turns out that the pig is Pickles and the dog is named Dill.  They have 100,000 followers on social media.  Who knew?  (Article is below.)

From People magazine

We never know what we will see in this city!  So that's it, from the divine to the porcine at Grace Cathedral.

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