Sunday, September 27, 2020

Street Art in San Francisco #1

We enjoy viewing art.  

Unfortunately, all of San Francisco's great art museums are still closed.

Fortunately, San Francisco is home to a lot of outdoor art, including public art and street art.  

During our very first walk, we spotted Welcome Tower, a recent installation which is pictured below.

Below, some random hottie is knocking on the door:  "I'm here!"

If you are familiar with San Francisco, then you might have recognized that Welcome Tower resembles a famous San Francisco landmark.

Another art installation along the waterfront is extraordinary.  It is called Cupid's Span.  Check it out.  

One of the co-creators is Claes Oldenburg, one of the great Pop artists in the U.S.  The co-creator is his wife.    

Shortly after the quarantine began, many closed businesses boarded up their doors and ground floor windows.  Some street artists used the boards as canvases for their art.  One example that we especially liked is pictured below.  

Another San Francisco street artist is "fnnch", who is known for varied depictions of the honey bear, the plastic honey dispenser shaped like a bear.  Below is an homage to Rene Magritte's Son of Man painting.   

Pictured below is another version of the honey bear, wearing a Giants cap and dutifully wearing a face mask.  Apparently, not everyone is a fan of the honey bear.  

Close by our apartment is the former home of the Hills Brothers coffee company.   In the courtyard is a one of Greg's favorite works of art in San Francisco.

Thanks for viewing some of San Francisco's outdoor art with us.  

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