Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Cars in San Francisco #1

During Years 1-4, we saw many exotic, vintage and interesting vehicles of all sorts.  

San Francisco is no exception.  

One category we have seen frequently is vintage cars.  We usually see them on the weekend, when they cruise along the Embarcadero for everyone to see.  

Here is a small sampling of some of Greg's favorites.

Below is a classic Corvette.  We suppose the owner is a pilot.  Check out the license plate.  

The car pictured below is a classic.  And like some classic cars, it broke down.  The tow truck arrived shortly after we took this photo.

One of the best cars we have seen is the Chevelle Super Sport pictured below.  We especially liked the great paint job.

After seeing some beautifully preserved and restored vintage cars, the saying must be true:  Californians love their cars.  

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