Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Traveling in France: Amboise

Our road trip continues. 

We visited the historic town of Amboise, which is also located on the Loire river.  Amboise was once the residence of several French kings.  It was also the final home of Leonardo da Vinci.

We visited both the Château d'Amboise, a hillltop fortress and royal residence, and the Château du Clos Lucé, da Vinci's home.

The Château d'Amboise overlooks the Loire river and served as a royal residence of French kings in the 1400's and 1500's.  

A view of the Loire river from the chateau, with replicas of ancient boats in the water 
The chateau was once much larger.  However, a large portion was destroyed in July 1944 by Allied bombs.  The German army had occupied the chateau since the beginning of the French occupation.  (The portion in red was destroyed.)

Fortunately, the chateau's Chapel of St. Hubert survived the bombing.  The chapel, a small Gothic church, is the final resting place of Leonardo da Vinci.

We visited the chateau during the 500th anniversary of da Vinci's death.  So, the chateau hosted a special exhibition dedicated to da Vinci and King Francis I who brought da Vinci from Italy to Amboise.  (Da Vinci brought with him several of his paintings, which were acquired by the king, which explains why the paintings (including the Mona Lisa) are now in the Louvre.)

Portrait of Francis I

The painting depicts Francis I at the deathbed of da Vinci.  The scene is a well-loved myth.  Records confirm Francis I was elsewhere for the birth of his child, and was not present when da Vinci died.  Below is another representation of the king and da Vinci's deathbed scene (still not true)...

A throne
We also visited da Vinci's nearby home, the Château du Clos Lucé.  da Vinci lived there from 1516 until his death in 1519.  The home is beautifully restored with recreations of his studio and laboratory.  Also, the home features a museum about da Vinci's life and inventions.  

Thanks for visiting Amboise with us.  

We hope you enjoyed the road trip.  

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