Here are more random things.
Wherever we stroll in Paris, we usually discover something interesting.
Below is the former Castagny public bath house in the 15th arronndissement. Did you know that Paris still has public bath houses? Who knew.
In the garden of the Palais Royal, you can find many sets of paired chairs, with a famous quote and an accompanying artifact. The chairs are designed to spark conversation of visitors to the garden. Below, Marie-Chantal stands next to a pair of chairs with an apropos quote from Victor Hugo: "L'enfer est tout entier dans ce mot: solitude." ("Hell is all in this word: loneliness"). A replica of a Victor Hugo book connects the pair of chairs.
Near our apartment, in the place du Marché-Saint-Honoré is a food market. We visited the market one rainy Saturday.
In the U.S., there are Dollar stores. In France, there are 2€ stores. Some things are more expensive in France.
In many congested cities around the world, delivering packages is often most difficult during the last mile or two. This is especially true in the narrow streets of many cities and towns in France. Trucks can't navigate the tiny lanes, and parking spots are nonexistent. Fortunately, the ingenious folks at DHL found a solution.
Below, you see can what is reputed to be the narrowest facade in Paris.
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