Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Cars in Paris #3

During our strolls around Paris, we often see exotic or vintage cars.  Here is a sampling.

Below is an original Mini Cooper.

We spotted the car below, a Renault Megane, parked on our street.  The camouflage paint made it hard to see.  

The class car below is a Citroën 2CV (deux chevaux, or two horses).  Tourists can hire a 2CV with a driver for guided tours around Paris.  

Another Citroën is the classic DS.

A while ago, we were walking near the Élysée Palace, the home of France's President.  We noticed a crowd had gathered and everyone was looking toward the Palace.  We soon realized we had stumbled on a filming location.  We watched as a gate that rarely opens started to open.  Two cars passed through the gate and drove away from the palace.

Below are photos of two vintage Citroën cars, an Traction Avant and a DS.

Leaving the Élysée Palace, a Citroën Traction Avant
Also leaving the Élysée Palace, a Citroën DS

We learned later that the film is called Libres and tells the story of Charles de Gaulle and his family at the beginning of WWII in France.  The film stars French actor Lambert Wilson as General de Gaulle.

Because the Citroën DS was manufactured during 1955-1975, we suspect the scene depicts an event long after WWII, possibly de Gaulle's departure upon resigning the Presidency in 1969.   

The Citroën DS is somewhat legendary.  President de Gaulle survived many assassination attempts, including a machine gun attack and a roadside bomb while being driven in a DS.  That is one tough car.  

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