Friday, October 11, 2019

Street Art in Paris #6

While strolling the other day, we spotted an outdoor art exhibition in the nearby Place du Palais Royal.   

The art was not exactly street art.  Rather, it was a collection of photographs featuring collages, paintings and banners by French artist Nicolas Henry.  The exhibition is part of the larger Nuit Blanche event in Paris.

The goal of the exhibition was raising awareness of the international assistance organization Emmaüs.

We learned that Emmaüs was founded in France 70 years ago and has since spread to dozens of countries around the world.  Its ongoing mission is to address poverty, exclusion and homelessness:  "Serve those worse off than yourself before yourself. Serve the most needy first."  The organization's name Emmaüs evokes the biblical story of offering shelter, food and hope.  

The artwork was colorful and eye-catching.  The general style was folk art with found objects.  Here is a sample of the extensive exhibition.  

Some of the works were accompanied by stories of persons served by Emmaüs.

One collage caught our attention, the recent fire at Notre Dame.

The family featured in the story above appears in the work Notre Dame.

Close up of family in Notre Dame
Thanks for viewing the exhibition with us.

P.S.  In case you want to learn more about the exhibition, click here or read below.

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