Sunday, February 17, 2019


Today was a lovely day.  We celebrated Moliere, we discovered le Chat botté, and we spotted a sign of Spring.

At  Eglise Saint-Roch, the nearby Catholic church, a special service was held to commemorate the anniversary of Moliere's death on February 17, 1673.  Moliere lived and worked as a playwright and actor in this neighborhood of Paris.  A visiting choral group was fantastic. The service included tributes to Moliere, and after the service, actors from the nearby Comédie Fraincaise theatre performed a scene from Moliere's Tartuffe.  We were happy to attend the service, which was in French, of course.  

Later in the day, we took another walk in the Tuileries garden.  The sky was blue and the temperature was in the high 50's.  While strolling, we spotted a bust of an elegant Frenchman, Charles Perrault, the author of Le Chat Botté.  

If you look closely at the sculpture, you will spot Le Chat Botté, better known in English as Puss in Boots.

Also while strolling in the garden, we spotted a welcome sign of Spring -- a flowering tree.  

There was even a bee doing what comes naturally.  We are happy to know that Spring is coming.  

Does anyone know if Springtime in Paris is beautiful?

1 comment:

  1. Have you been able to visit the American Cathedral of the Holy Trinity?


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