Monday, February 11, 2019

Bread in Paris

Parisians are known for making wonderful bread and they certainly love eating it, a lot of it.

So, when we arrived in Paris, we were looking forward to finding a traditional bread shop, une boulangerie. 

Today, we discovered one, Les Soeurs Sucrées (the Sweet Sisters), not far from our apartment.  The shop makes bread and pastries on the premises.  So, the baked goods are fresh and high-quality.  

Below, Susan holds her purchases--a baguette, a croissant aux amondes and a roule pistache et chocolat.

The sign behind Susan loosely translates:

                                                     Each day, 
                                                     your artisanal breadmaker
                                                     rounds out the bread--
                                                     kneads, shapes, and bakes 
                                                     Your bread in this oven,
                                                                        Your Artisanal Breadmaker

Tonight, we will enjoy an indoor picnic of bread, some stinky cheese, fruit, wine and Perrier with some pastries for dessert.  You are welcome to join us.  

croissant aux amandes and a roule pistache et chocolat.

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