Sunday, November 25, 2018

Seasonal Decoration in D.C.

With the arrival of the holiday season starting with Thanksgiving, we have noticed seasonal decorations appearing here and there.  Below is a photographic sampling of seasonal decorations.

In Georgetown, the streetlights are crowned with wreaths and red bows.

Store windows are being decorated with seasonal themes.

Anthropologie in Georgetown.  The bear on the left seems to be saying:  "Are you looking at me?"
Even the dude in red has started appearing around town.

The dude in red on N Street near DuPont Circle
A nearby home decorated for the holiday.

In Georgetown, we spotted some Pilgrims hungrily eyeing a large turkey.

Later, in the same spot, we spotted some elves tending to their orchard.

Some seasonal soldiers have made an appearance.

Our friend Steve found some seasonal joy.

We wish everyone a joyful season.

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