Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Cars in D.C. #6

The other day, the good weather beckoned us to take a long afternoon walk.  We rambled around the DuPont Circle neighborhood, looking at old architecture, local shops and exotic people.  

During our ramble, we turned a corner and saw a very small car.  The car was so small that we thought we were back in Italy, where nearly every car is very small.  Check it out.  

Like the car above, some Italian cars are so small that they can be parked perpendicular to the curb, not parallel.  Greg guesses that, if Italy had driver education (he is sure they don't), the parking portion of the training would be quite easy:  Pull up to a three foot gap between other cars and then back in.  

P.S.  In fact, Italy has driving training.  We saw some cars with a large sign in the rear window with the letter P.  We learned the P stands for driver in training and warns other drivers to steer clear.  One day, we saw a P driver on our narrow street in Florence.  The driver managed to hit a parked car and knock over a parked motorcycle.  Greg thinks the P must stand for Pericolo, or Danger!

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