Thursday, July 26, 2018

Monuments: The White House

Since our personal invitation to visit the White House must have been lost in the mail, we signed up for a tour a few months ago.

Public tours of the White House are self-guided and pass through many of the oldest rooms on the main and lower levels.  The upper level, the President's residence, is not included in the tour, which is probably a good thing. 

The illustration below shows the path of our tour.

The China Room:

The East Room:

George Washington by Gilbert Stuart (1796) (the Gardiner Baker copy of the "Lansdowne portrait")
The Green Room:

A view of the Washington Monument from the Green Room
The Blue Room:

A view of the Jefferson Memorial from the Blue Room (as seen through antique window glass)
The State Dining Room:

The Entrance Hall:

A couple of White House visitors at the entrance to the Diplomatic Reception Room 
The North Portico:

Thanks for visiting the White House with us.

P.S. While we touring the White House, we noticed a miniature soccer field on the South Lawn.  We guessed it was installed for young Baron Trump.  

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