Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Churches: Grace Episcopal Church #4

As reported in an earlier post, we have been attending a local church in Georgetown.  Grace Episcopal Church was originally founded after the U.S. Civil War to serve the working class in Lower Georgetown.  The church remains true to its original mission with programs that serve the homeless and those at the margins of homelessness.

One of the programs is Grace's Table, a weekly free lunch, served each Saturday when the other  weekday food programs do not operate.  About 50-60 guests enjoy a healthy, abundant lunch each week. 

Recently, Susan was assigned to salad duty.  Susan stepped up and made a BIG salad with all sorts of ingredients.  You can check out the BIG salad below. 

The guests very much enjoyed Susan's salad and nothing was left at the end of lunch.

Martha Stewart eat your heart out!

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