Monday, May 7, 2018

The Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool #2

In an earlier post, this blog featured the Reflecting Pool located in front of the Lincoln Memorial.  The Reflecting Pool was empty for repair and people were walking on the bottom of the pool.  It was a rare and odd sight.

95 years ago, there was a similarly odd and rare sight at the Reflecting Pool.  It was 1923 and the reflecting pool had been completed recently.  It was also the age of barnstorming.  So, you can guess what happened.

A daredevil landed a biplane with pontoons on the Reflecting Pool and then took off without crashing into the Lincoln Memorial.  Below are a few photos of the event.

The aircraft is a Navy HN-1 with a Wright-Hispano motor and a Fokker wing layout. (Library of Congress)

(Johnson & Jones)

(Harris & Ewing / Library of Congress)
Abe Lincoln had a front row as the plane sped toward him and then flew overheard.  Whew!

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