Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Springtime in D.C. #6

While strolling in Georgetown on a recent sunny day, we discovered Book Hill Park, a small community park that had been restored and beautified.  

Located on a hill in upper Georgetown, the park is lovely place to relax and enjoy the flora.  When we visited, the trees had light green Spring leaves and the azaleas were blooming.        

The park is all about flora.  And some fauna too.  In July, Book Hill Park hosts the annual Doggie Parade.  Neighborhood pooches gather in the park and parade down the park's staircase, led by Uncle Sam.  The dogs are judged on their looks and talents.  Greg is looking forward to attending--Susan not as much.    

Some random hotties parades down the grand staircase
Thanks for visiting Book Hill Park with us.  

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