Friday, December 22, 2017

Street Art in DC #1

If you have followed this blog, we know already that we enjoy street art.  Florence, like NYC, had a lot of street art, which we shared on this blog.

Here in DC, street art is not as prevalent, at least, not in the neighborhoods where we have ventured.  Of course, we know DC surely has a lot of street art and we will find it.

The other day, while walking in the DuPont Circle neighborhood, we found some art.  It was not on the street, but under it.  

Let's first jump into the Way-Back machine and travel back to DC in the 1950's.  Then, street cars were prevalent in DC.  To ease traffic bottlenecks in the city, the street cars traveled underground in parts of the city, including DuPont Circle where an underground station was constructed.  The street cars stopped running in the mid-1960's and the underground station was closed but not demolished.  The tracks and platform are still there.    

Fast forward, the station was recently reopened as DuPont Underground, a performance venue with a subterranean art gallery featuring local artists.  We toured the station and snapped some photos.

Some random hottie viewing art on display, plus high quality graffiti art on the station walls  
A large mural painted on the wall of DuPont Underground

One of the many works on display at DuPont Underground 
Street art under the street.  Who knew?

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