Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Festa dei Nonni

Yesterday, Susan became a grandmother.  Complimenti, Nonna Susan!

Here in Italy, yesterday was the Festa dei Nonni, Grandparents' Day. 

An American friend here in Florence asked Susan to be her daughter's nonna for a day, since her real grandparents are in the U.S. 

Susan agreed and visited the friend's lovely 3-year-old girl in school, along with other grandmothers.  The grandmothers, including Susan, brought treats for the kids and admired the kids' artwork.

A good time was had by all. 

By the way, Susan was delighted that she was the youngest grandmother in the classroom.  

Nonna Susan ready with treats for the grandchildren

Celebration in the classroom

Nonna Susan and her shy granddaughter

Nonna Susan admiring the artwork
P.S.  The Festa dei Nonni is celebrated on the same day as Guardian Angels' Day, an appropriate coincidence.  Who knew?

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