Friday, October 6, 2017

Big Clay #4

Have you ever looked at a figure in a painting and had the feeling that the eyes were following you?

We had a similar experience recently. 

During Year 1 in New York City, we saw a large sculpture on Park Avenue called Big Clay #4 (pictured below) by Swiss sculptor Urs Fischer.

Park Avenue at 52nd Street (Big Clay #4 by Urs Fischer)
Fast forward to Year 2.  Big Clay #4 has reappeared in Florence.

Is Big Clay #4 following us, like a painting with spooky eyes?

After we told ourselves that Big Clay #4 is not stalking us, we looked at two nearby sculptures also by Urs Fischer, Two Tuscan Men.  (Below are photos of each man.)  The sculptures of the men are carved in wax and were lit more than a week ago.  So, over time, the men are melting, like the Wicked Witch of the West.  The melting men symbolize human transience, according to the article below.

From The Florentine (September 2017)
P.S.  If Big Clay #4 appears in Washington, D.C. during Year 3, we will freak out!  Please stay tuned.

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