Thursday, April 13, 2017

Travels in Tuscany--San Gimignano (Part 3 of 3)

Our tour of San Gimignano also included a visit to the civic museum in the medieval town hall, which houses a collection of wonderful medieval art. 

The medieval town hall in San Gimignano

A photo of the courtyard leading to the civic museum.  The museum is located in the town hall, San Gimignano's seat of government for more than 700 years.  The courtyard is covered with ancient frescoes.

A fresco from the Middles Ages in the courtyard leading to the civic museum.

Detail from the painting above.  This cannot be good.

St. Bartholomew was one tough saint.

St.. Bart being faithful until the very end.

In the town hall is a meeting room once visited by Dante.  Dante came to San Gimignano from Florence in 1300 as an ambassador to ask the leaders of San Gimigano to ally with Florence and the Guelph League.  The meeting room where Dante spoke has since been known as the Sala di Dante.  Dante failed to persuade his audience and San Gimignano remained a free state for another 50 years until eventually falling under Florence's control.

The Sala di Dante
Thanks for visiting San Gimignano with us.

P.S.  Below is a photo of some random dude.  Apparently, he was so happy visiting San Gimignano that "jaz hands" made an appearance.  Good times. 

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