Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Museums: Accademia (Part 1 of 2)

One of the best museums in Florence is the Accademia, which is the home of the original of Michelangelo's David and other great works of art.  The Galleria dell'Accademia (the Gallery of the Academy) was founded in 1874  In addition to an amazing art collection, a collection of period musical instruments has been added.

Here are a few photos from our visit.    

Tobias and the Three Archangels by Domenico di Michelino (1465)

The nasty albeit beheaded creature pictured above appears in the lower left corner of the preceding painting of Tobias.  We suppose that the dragon defeated by Archangel Michael represents angels overcoming evil and guarding humans. 

St. Thomas, always doubting

Michelangelo's sculpture of David is an amazing work of art.
  • It was sculpted by Michelangelo during 1501-1504.  He started it when he was 26 years old. 
  • The sculpture stands atop a pedestal and is 17 feet tall.  It weighs about 6 tons. 
  • The Republic of Florence, while the Medici were in exile, commissioned the statue. 
  • The statue symbolizes heroic resistance and therefore represents a free, independent Florence, threatened from without and within. 
  • The statue's eyes are said to glare as a warning to any attacker, including Rome. 
Michelangelo's David is shown pre-battle with Goliath.  The young David is ready.

The glare
Next Up:  Placing and protecting David.

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