Monday, February 27, 2017

Random Things #7

Still more random things.

At an outdoor market, we spotted these interesting fruit, Cachi, also known as Japanese Persimmon and Diospyros kaki.  They are grown all over Italy, in part because Mussolini decreed that every farm  plant a Cachi tree.  Apparently, he wanted Italian troops to have ready access to the high-caloric fruit in Autumn.

The farmer at the market selling Cachi fruit also sold a homemade quince gelatin.  It was extremely sweet and we are glad we tried it once.  Only once.

Instead of balloons tied to a mailbox or a stork sign in the frontyward, Florentines tie pink on blue ribbons on their front doors to signal a new arrival. 

In the U.S., Susan's guilty pleasure is shopping at Dollar Trees stores.  You can imagine her excitement upon arriving in Italy and finding 99 cent stores.  Hooray!

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