Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Florence Chocolate Fair (Part 1 of 2)

Florence has a chocolate fair.  Who knew?

You might recall that we went all the way to Turin for a chocolate fair, which was cancelled at the last minute.  Fortunately, the good folks here in Florence know how put on a chocolate fair.  Plus, they were kind enough to locate the fair two blocks from our apartment.  Tasty and convenient--does it get any better?

All sorts of chocolate products are offered, along with cooking shows and other fun activities (wait for Part 2).  Plus, all of the vendors give free samples.  These people know how to sell.

The fair runs for 10 days.  That is good news because we are having two different sets of guests visit us while the fair is running.  Lucky timing on their part. 

Here are some photos collected during more than one visit to the fair.   

A view from above

Take close look at the photo above.  Everything in the photo is made from chocolate and is edible.  Really.

Chocolate disguised as cheese, salami and tools.  Who knew?

"Pssst.  Hey buddy.  Wanna buy a chocolate Rolex?"

What's better than a corn dog at a Mets game?  A waffle stick covered in chocolate!

A chocolate picnic back in our apartment

What makes the Florence chocolate fair especially nice is the lovely view from the fair.

"Wish you were here."

Next Up:  Fun at the fair!

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