Thursday, December 15, 2016

Doing Business in Italy

If you read this blog during Year 1, you already know that public toilets are a periodic topic. 

Year 2 will be no exception, especially considering cultural differences.  Here we go.

The first thing to learn, if your "business" experience has been in the U.S., are the basic rules.  We saw the sign below in a restroom at an American school in Florence. 

Another thing we learned is that Italians (also the French and Spaniards apparently) need to be reminded, like Americans, what does and does NOT go in the toilet. 

Of course, Italy has port-a-johns like the U.S. does.

Surprisingly, Italy still has some antiquated toilets that require certain business skills.  If you visit, maybe you can figure out how to use them.  We have no idea.

An alternate theory:  this device is actually a Star Trek like transporter.  Push the button and you find yourself dissolving and then reappearing elsewhere.  With clothing in place. 

1 comment:

  1. Although I have never used one of the "weird" ones - I believe you squat. They have them in France too (none in Germany as far as I know). However, squatting is the natural way of elimination for humans... that's why things like the Squatty Potty sell..


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