Friday, December 23, 2016

Churches: St James Episcopal Church in Florence #1

There are a lot of churches in Florence.  In the center of the city, it seems there is one on every corner.

Of all the churches here, Florence is home to one Episcopal church, St James Episcopal Church in Florence.  The Episcopal church has had a presence here since the 19th century, following a large migration from the U.S.  Since 1908, the church has had a beautiful home courtesy of some generous donors.

Following our arrival in October, we began attending St James.  We enjoy the services, mostly in English, partly in Italian, and we enjoy other activities at the church.  Earlier this week, we helped decorate the church for the Christmas season.

Here are some photos of the church, plus some photos of decorating.  Enjoy. 

Photos of the Church:

Photos of Decorating the Church:

Someone (who shall remain nameless) commented that the figure appears to be proudly waving its arms while showing off its new Christmas outfit.

Some random person decorating the advent candles.

Some dude showing off his new Christmas accessory.  It beats a sweater with a reindeer.

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