Saturday, December 24, 2016

Buone Feste

Greetings from Italy.

Happy holidays.  Buone feste!

Since arriving in Italy more than two months ago, we have expanded our Italian vocabulary a little bit.

Given the time of year, we have learned some holiday phrases.  So, if you are ready, here is your lesson in Italian for today.  A tip:  It helps to move your hands while speaking the words.

Holiday Greetings

Auguri      Best Wishes, or Season's Greetings

Buon Natale      Merry Christmas

Buone Feste      Happy Holidays

Buone feste e tanti auguri!      Happy Holidays and best wishes!

Felice Hannukah      Happy Hannukah

Buon anno or Felice Anno Nuovo      Happy New Year

il Capodanno      New Year's Day

If you want to sing the Italian equivalent of “We wish you a merry Christmas”, it’s easy to learn:

Auguri di Buon Natale
Auguri di Buon Natale
Auguri di Buon Natale
E di un anno seren.

Auguri festosi
Portiam calorosi
A voi per Natale
E per l’anno che vien.

A tutti un Buon Natale
A tutti un Buon Natale
A tutti un Buon Natale
E un anno seren.

Well done.   Now, if you to sing along, click here.

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