Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Museums: The Uffizi #1

One reason why we enjoy Florence is the many art museums.  One of the best museums is the well-known Uffizi, a former palace.  It has a large, wonderful collection of Renaissance art (paintings and sculptures), plus works from other eras.  It is a "must see more than once" sort of museum.  So, we joined the Friends of the Uffizi which means paying an annual fee for unlimited visiting and line-skipping.  (There is usually a line.)

We have already visited a few times and we will share photos from our visits.  Enjoy!

Of course, it is best to see art in person.  So, please visit us in Florence and we will go to the Uffizi together!

Greg especially liked this Titian painting.  This dude, the Duke of Urbino, looks ready to rock and roll.  In Italian, the right word is cazzuto, or badass.

On the roof of the Uffizi is a terrace and café with wonderful views of Florence.  Next door is the Palazzo Vecchio, another palace.  Nearby is the cathedral (Duomo). 

The Palazzo Vecchio seem from the roof terrace of the Uffizi

Close up of panted shields on the Palazzo Vecchio:  the red cross represents the citizens of Florence and the red iris is the symbol Florence.

From the roof terrace of the Uffizi, the Duomo and some random hottie.  That's a lovely necklace! 

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