Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Only in NYC--Go Topless

In NYC, you can see a lot of things you might not see elsewhere.  Yesterday, that fact was proved true.

August 28, 2016, was Go Topless Day in NYC.  No joke.  The day was celebrated with a parade and rally.  The parade started at Columbus Circle on the West Side and then bounced its way along Broadway and 48th Street, ending at the United Nations on the East Side.  The parade, complete with police escort, was about a block long, with many participants going topless, male and female alike.

Why a Go Topless Day parade?  The marchers support gender equality in general and the right to be topless everywhere.  In NYC, women already have the right to go topless.  Who knew?  The marchers want similar rights elsewhere in the U.S. and the world.  

It turns out that the NYC parade was not the only event yesterday.  Parades and other events occurred around the U.S. and the globe--parades, rallies and the like.   

From the GoTopless.org website:  "'As long as men are allowed to be topless in public, women should have the same constitutional right. Or else, men should have to wear something to hide their chests' Rael, founder of GoTopless.org and spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement (rael.org)  FREE YOUR BREASTS! FREE YOUR MIND!"   (By the way, Joseph Smith seems normal compared to Rael.)

Below are some photos.  Caution:  There were no swimsuit models in the group--female or male.

P.S.  Don't worry.  Greg kept his top on.

Only in NYC (not exactly).

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