Tuesday, July 5, 2016

"Where for you live in NYC?"--Part 8

Answer:  We live near Uncle Mike's place.  

In this case, Uncle Mike is Michael Bloomberg and his place is the Bloomberg Tower, home of the Bloomberg media empire.  

The Bloomberg Tower (aka Uncle Mike's Place"), as seen from our terrace.
 Of course, Uncle Mike is not really our uncle but we bet he would be a fun uncle to have in the family.  

And, naturally, the building is actually named 731 Lexington Avenue, not the Bloomberg Tower, which is so like the somewhat modest Uncle Mike.  

At the top of the building there are large panels that are usually lit white at night.  For special occasions, the panels appear in different colors to honor the occasion.  Below are a couple of recent photos. 

The top of the Bloomberg Tower lit in ed, white and blue to celebrate the 4th of July (7/4/2016)

"Light it up blue" for Autism Awareness Month 2016 (4/6/2016)

"Uncle Mike"

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