Saturday, July 2, 2016

A New Yorker's View of the World

New Yorkers are proud of their city.  So proud, in fact, that it tends to rub non-New Yorkers (that is, most of the world) the wrong way. 

From the perspective of some New Yorkers, there is New York City and the rest of the world, which is secondary and not worth visiting.  This perspective was captured in the Saul Steinberg cover for The New Yorker magazine in March, 1976.  Titled View of the World from 9th Avenue, the artwork captures the essence of the NYC-centric perspective of many New Yorkers.

Recently, we dined with friends at Left Bank in the West Village.  (We recommend the restaurant.)   Like many restaurants, Left Bank offered custom matchbooks.   Left Bank's matchbook caught our attention and made us laugh.   Check it out below.   

Since we are spending Year 1 in New York City, we identify a bit with Updike-esque, NYC-centric view of the world.  This is a great city.  Of course, we will be, in some sense, kidding as we spend Years 2-9 enjoying other great cities.  The residents of those cities likewise think that their city is the center of the world.  (Especially, the Parisians!)  When the 10 Year Plan ends (if it ever ends), we will decide on our favorite city.  It could be NYC.  Let's wait and see. 

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