Sunday, May 1, 2016

Movin' on Up--Construction Update #2

Construction of the new condominium tower across the street is moving along. (Earlier blog posts,11/17/2015 and 2/29/2016.)

In the last update, the site was still being excavated (photo below, 2/18/2016).
What goes up must first go down.  Way down.  After a lot of drilling and jack hammering, the site was excavated to a depth of about 30-40 feet.  Half of the site (right side in the photo below) is about 30 feet below grade.  The other half is about 40 feet below grade with a large box excavated even deeper into the ground (upper left corner in the photo below).  At the bottom of the hole, on top of the Manhattan schist, concrete was poured to create a hard subfloor that will support the basement floor (left side in the photo below).
In preparation for pouring more concrete to create the basement floor, rebar is being installed.  A lot of rebar.  The rebar will reinforce the basement floor and create a solid building foundation on top of the bedrock. 
Stay tuned.  In a month or so, we expect the construction site will look different than it does now. 

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