Sunday, November 29, 2015

Only in New York City (Mitzvah Tank)

During a recent walk down Park Avenue, we noticed the Mitzvah Tank.  It was hard not to notice this motor home with the intriguing name and info on the side.  We were curious.  We snapped some photos (below) and did some research.

According to, the first Mitzvah Tank, a Ryder van, appeared in the streets of NYC more than four decades ago, in 1974.  Over time, many more tanks were added and motor homes replaced vans.  Plus, the battalion of tanks spread beyond NYC to many cities around the United States--such as Chicago and Los Angeles--and beyond the U.S., including cities in Israel and France.  (So, Mitzvah Tanks are not an Only in NYC phenomenon.)     

Why a batallion of Mitzvah Tanks?  Well, the group Chabad Lubavitch employs a Mitzvah Tank as a mobile education center or synagogue.  A "mitzvah" is a commandment or good deed.  Passersby who are Jewish are invited to learn more about Judaism and to perform a mitzvah. 

Coincidentally, Hanukkah begins a week from today.  So, if you see a Mitzvah Tank, you might see menorahs with candles being handed out.

Only in New York City.  (Well, not exactly.)

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