At Serendipity, the always line out front cafe/ice cream shop around the corner from our apartment, the menu includes a special item:
- 3 scoops of Tahitian vanilla bean ice cream infused with Madagascar vanilla
- Chocolate syrup melted from Amedei Porcelana chocolate
- Chunks of Chuao chocolate
- Candied fruits from Paris
- Gold covered almonds/dragets
- Chocolate truffles
- Marzipan cherries
- Grand Passion dessert caviar
- Gilded sugar flowers
- 23-carat gold leaf and gold flakes
- One crystal goblet
- One 18k gold spoon
If you don't care about heeding Mr. Morgan's advice, one Golden Opulence Sundae will cost you one Grover.
P.S. We recommend ordering an $8.95 Frrrozen Hot Chocolate dessert instead and saving the rest of your money or donating it to your favorite charity. One word of warning. Be sure to order the Frrrozen Hot Chocolate and NOT the Frrrozen Haute Chocolate. The latter was previously on the menu and included a lot of gold and diamonds. A mis-pronunciation would set you back 25 Grovers.
Only in NYC.
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