Sunday, November 15, 2015

Enlightenment When You Lease Expect It

A recent walk through Central Park brought us some enlightenment.  

We stumbled across a new art exhibit:  Enlightened Universe, created by Spanish artist Cristobal Gabarron.
Enlightened Universe, Cristobal Gabarron (2015)

The exhibit commemorates the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations Organization following World War II.

The silver reflective orb represents the earth (the sphere is precisely 1/1,000,000th the size of earth) while the 70 figures represent the UN's 70 years since its founding.  The figures are multi-colored and holding hands signifying tolerance, solidarity and shared responsibility for achieving "peaceful and prosperous lives in a sustainable and just world". 
Some random hottie photobombs the art exhibit, upsetting the poetic symmetry of 70 figures for the UN's 70 years.  Oh well.  A year from now, symmetry will be restored.  

Same hottie.  She just wouldn't move.

The exhibit is a meaningful addition to Central Park.  

P.S.  Buckminster Fuller called and wants his geodesic sphere back.

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